Marvel’s upcoming movie, “Captain America: Brave New World,” has stirred significant controversy due to the introduction of a character named Sabra, portrayed by Israeli actress Shira Haas. Sabra is depicted as an Israeli superhero and Mossad agent, which has sparked protests and discussions about the film’s political implications, especially concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Sabra first appeared in Marvel Comics in 1980 as an Israeli superhero linked to the Mossad. Her role as a representative of Israel in the superhero universe has sparked criticism and debate. Critics argue that including a character associated with the Israeli government and Mossad is problematic, given the complex history and ongoing tension in the Middle… Read More
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the real GOAT Seller.
Continue ReadingBlockout 2024
Blockout 2024: Celebrities blocked over silence on Gaza massacres A movement known as “Blockout 2024” has gained traction on social media, urging users to block the accounts of celebrities who have remained silent on the humanitarian crisis caused by relentless Israeli attacks in Gaza. People worldwide are expressing frustration with celebrities for not being aware of and not using their influence to draw attention to the dire situation in Gaza. According to a TikToker involved in the movement, the goal is to “stop certain streams of income and popularity” of celebrities. Organised social media users are sharing lists of celebrities to block, leading to significant follower losses for several public… Read More
Continue Reading“watermelon” symbol
We’ve been seeing the fruit featuring in social media posts across the internet ever since the the Gaza invasion began 20 days ago. As of today 6,546 Palestinians have been killed, including 2,704 children, and over 17,000 people have been wounded so far in ongoing Israeli retaliatory strikes. (asianews) The watermelon is a massive part of Palestinian culture, featuring in many dishes and crossing into the art world where it has become a symbol of resistance. The red, green, white and black coloured fruit held in hand, depicted in art or posted as an emoji has also become a way for Palestinians and their supporters to protest against Israel. The… Read More
Continue ReadingHappy Independence Day of Indonesia 78
Today the people enjoy the freedom of living independently in Indonesia, but they will never forget the sacrifices and bravery of those who fought for the country. Feel the pride of being a part of this glorious nation, wishing a very happy Indonesian Independence Day with all the warm patriotic wishes to make the day truly memorable. Nothing is more precious than liberty and freedom. Happy Indonesian Independence Day!
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