You may have heard “mindfulness”, it’s the term that is well-known nowadays but what exactly is mindfulness? And, how can you recognize it and reap its many benefits?
Generally, Cambridge Dictionary
“[Mindfulness is] the practice of being aware of your body, mind, and feelings in the present moment, thought to create a feeling of calm.”
Synonyms for mindfulness include: alertness, carefulness, caution, circumspection, concentration, concern, conscientiousness, consideration and other..
Mindfulness practice has been associated with numerous benefits, and the popularity of the topic in positive psychology means that we’ll probably be seeing a lot more to come, such as:
- Improved Working Memory
- Heightened Metacognitive Awareness
- Lower Levels of Anxiety
- Reduced Emotional ‘Reactivity’
- Enhanced Visual Attention Processing
- Reduced Stress
- Managing Physical Pain
And there are a lot of explanations about it. But, how does a Moslem perspective try to capture it? Watch the video below.