Who doesn’t look at travel photos on Instagram and fantasize about visiting the most beautiful country in the world? But what defines beauty?
A new study from the website money.co.uk aims to rank the 50 most beautiful countries in the world by analyzing the amount of natural wonders in each location, from coral reefs and tropical rainforests to volcanoes, glaciers and more.
In the description on the site, each country is analysed based on seven factors, which are: Volcanoes, Mountains, Coral reefs, Protected areas, Coastlines, Rainforests, and Glaciers. Each factor is calculated per 100,000 square km using land area figures sourced from the World Bank. The information is then assigned a normalised score of 10 for each factor before the average score across all seven factors is taken.
Coming in at the top of the list as the most beautiful place on earth is Indonesia, which has a natural beauty score of 7.77/10. Indonesia is home to more than 17,000 islands.
Some of the other natural attractions that helped propel Indonesia to the top of the list include Komodo National Park (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), Sumatra (which is covered with tropical forests) and Kalimantan (home to an orangutan reserve).
Second on the list of the world’s most beautiful places: New Zealand, which has a natural beauty score of 7.27/10 and is known for its mountain peaks, rolling hills and a number of glaciers and active volcanoes. It’s no surprise that so many movies—including The Lord of the Rings—have been filmed here.
Next up is Colombia, which scores 7.16/10 on the natural beauty scale. Like Indonesia and New Zealand, Colombia has a long coastline. It also has varied landscapes, from the Amazon to the Andes.
Apart from these three countries, here are other countries that occupy the top 10 list of the most beautiful countries in the world.
Tanzania – 6.98/10
Mexico – 6.96/10
Kenya – 6.70/10
India – 6.54/10
France – 6.51/10
Papua New Guinea – 6.39/10
Comoros – 6.22/10