Shoplifting is generally defined as the unauthorized removal of merchandise from a store without paying for it, or intentionally paying less for an item than its sale price. However, shoplifting can include carrying, hiding, concealing, or otherwise manipulating merchandise with the intent of taking it or paying less for it.
In many states, shoplifting is considered to be a form of larceny and may be prosecuted as such. Other states differentiate between the crimes of shoplifting and general theft for purposes of charging and sentencing, and treat shoplifting less severely than other theft offenses (such as an infraction rather than a misdemeanor).
In most retail stores nowadays, there are clear signs that state that shoplifters will be prosecuted and that the shop is monitored with cameras. Yet, despite these anti-theft measures, billions of potential profits are lost each year due to shoplifting. Read on to learn about shoplifting stats from recent years and what the effects are.
Shoplifting is the most common crime in the US — as aforementioned, 1 out of 11 Americans are shoplifters. The amount of stolen goods and the percentage of shoplifters grows each year. What’s more, the percentage of shoplifters is growing worldwide.
As mentioned in our facts section, approximately 55% of shoplifters began stealing when they were teenagers. Nowadays, it is estimated that 25% of shoplifters are juvenile — and that the consequences of juvenile shoplifting can carry over well into adulthood.
However, it has also been found that juveniles are not stealing things that are necessary for survival; instead, they are more likely to shoplift luxury goods. 68% of juvenile shoplifters do it for the adrenaline boost and the “kicks” rather than for financial motivators.
Juvenile delinquents have a much harder time finding legitimate employment when they become adults — thus, juvenile shoplifting is highly significant and cannot be shrugged off as just “teenage rebellion”.
Shoplifting is on the rise across the globe — and, if security measures are not enforced more consistently, this figure will only increase. For information on how to reduce shrinkage in your store and industry, check out our other articles on the matter; we’ll present actionable solutions for making your storefront more secure.